JEE Aspirant From Maharashtra Dies By Suicide in Kota; 11th Case This Year

In another tragic incident from the city of Kota, a 17-year-old JEE aspirant from Maharashtra died by suicide in his hostel room. This is the eleventh suspected suicide case among students attending classes at the coaching hub this year.

The body of Bhargav Keshav was discovered hanging from the ceiling fan in his room at Rajiv Gandhi Nagar in Jawahar Nagar. The boy was rushed to a hospital, where doctors declared him brought dead, The Police said.

The deceased student hailing from Maharashtra’s Nandurbar district was in Class 11th and had been preparing for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) for the past two months at one of the coaching institutes in the City.

The incident occurred on Monday when Bhargav’s parents, who had arrived in the morning to meet their son, briefly stepped out to arrange breakfast. Tragically, during this short absence, Bhargav allegedly took his own life by hanging himself in his hostel room.

Upon returning with food for their son, his parents found the door bolted from the inside and immediately informed the caretaker. Concerned, the caretaker peered through the window and made the heartbreaking discovery of Bhargav’s lifeless body hanging from the ceiling fan, suspended by a bed sheet, as relayed by Jawahar Nagar Circle Officer DSP Amar Singh.

The reason behind the alleged suicide is yet to be ascertained, the CO said, adding that no suicide note was recovered from his room, nor did the parents cite any cause.

During the preliminary investigation, one of the victim’s classmates said Keshav was sincere in his studies, the DSP added.

The deceased’s body was handed over to his parents after the post-mortem and a case of unnatural death was lodged under section 174 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the police said.

This is the 11th case of suicidal death by a student in Kota this year, Meanwhile Last year at least 15 coaching students allegedly died by suicide.